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“The Quiet Heart refreshes my spirit like a spring rain. Daily listening brings me comfort and strength.”

D. Edwards Denver, CO

"I have loved Henry Wiens’ music since the first time I heard it several years ago. It has a soothing, comforting quality, and is inspirational and uplifting at the same time. Upon the death of someone special to our organization, we send Henry’s CDs to the bereaved loved one. The response from those receiving these gifts of music has been unanimous in their gratitude and appreciation. Comments have been: 'What a beautiful gift you chose.’ ‘I was deeply touched…’ ‘As I write this I’m alternating between floating and crying.’ Everyone has been moved by Henry’s beautiful music."

J. Alcott Mounds View, MN

"I was so pleased to find your web site that enabled me to give something meaningful. Flowers are beautiful, but last only days. Music lives on like the spirit & gives peace to the soul."

K. Johnson

“We have been using Quiet Heart Music's ‘One-at-a-Time Plan’ for 4 years and have received numerous compliments from families about the Memorial Gift CD we send. The selection of music is always very appropriate. We frequently receive requests for Quiet Heart Music's contact information to purchase additional CDs for other family members. We are more than pleased with the products and service Henry provides. We know we are giving a gift that can be shared by many for years.”

L. Thompson, Administrator Woodsfield, OH

“I love what you have done with music and appreciate your ability to bring a positive note into the lives of people during uncertain times. Thank you so very much for this service!"

C. Wineman Sunshine Village, Phoenix, AZ

"After more than 5 years, we continue to receive 'thank you's' from grieving families who appreciate this special gift of music. We are grateful for our partnership with you in making this possible."

Sister J. Joecken, Director of Spiritual Care Services North Canton, OH

"Thank you Henry for quick delivery, great customer service and - of course - the heavenly music!"

K. Morgan, MSW Sioux Falls, SD

"Your music is the best I have found - very comforting and uplifting!

B. Strike, Strike Funeral Homes Cambridge, MN

"These CDs have been so important to our families.  They consider them as real gifts in their grief journey. They have truly appreciated the gift of a CD rather than a flower that dies soon after they receive it.  We get so many positive responses - keep up the good work!"

Chaplain L. Lund Hastings, MN

"In the 'Small House' long term care setting, our elders and their families become very close to our staff members. When a precious life is lost, flowers do not seem to justify the closeness that we experience with our elders and families. Quiet Heart Music has been an amazing blessing to us; to be able to give the families a gift that they can keep forever to remind them of their deceased loved one is priceless. The presentation, thought and care that is put into each Quiet Heart gift shows that our facility and staff not only will miss their loved one, but will also never forget them. Thank you Henry and QHM helping all of us during these difficult times."

S. Hube, LSW Maineville, OH

"Henry Wiens' soothing and relaxing improvisations have a unique way of quieting and speaking to one's soul. His sensitive and unique musical touch provides the listener an oasis of contemplation that leaves them refreshed and comforted."


P. Johnson Buffalo, MN

"My 15 yr old daughter listened to 'The Quiet Heart' for 48 hours straight after her nine hour, spinal fusion surgery. It was the only thing that helped her deal with the intense pain, and enabled her at last to sleep."

S. Gray Worthington, OH

"For more than a decade, Henry Wiens' music has brought comfort to the bereaved in our church and community. In times of loss his music soothes the heart and comforts those who are grieving. As a pastor, I appreciate this valuable resource and will continue to share Henry's gift of music with hurting people."

Dr. J. Thomas Branson Hanson, KY

"Thanks so much for sending the lovely CD I requested. We just returned from the Memorial Service, and our friend mentioned that she received the lovely CD earlier today, has already played it and absolutely loves it. I have shared your link with the women in my Sunday School Class as many of us are losing loved ones and like the idea of sending a memorial music CD as wonderful as yours. I honestly believe your beautiful gifts of music will serve families much more than a floral spray that will end up in a nursing home."

L. Howard Atlanta, Georgia
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